Fine Cotton Factory Earns Global Organic Textile Standard Certification

Toronto-based ticking supplier Fine Cotton Factory has received the Global Organic Textile Standard certification, which allows the company to offer GOTS-certified organic-cotton mattress fabric.

GOTS logo Fine Cotton Factory Earns Global Organic Textile Standard CertificationGlobal Organic Textile Standard Certification (GOTS) is a stringent, voluntary international standard for the processing of organic, fiber-containing products and addresses post-harvest processing stages, such as spinning, knitting, weaving, dyeing and manufacturing. It includes both environmental and social provisions for post-farm to retail-shelf management. Key provisions include a ban on the use of child labor, genetic engineering, heavy metals and highly hazardous chemicals such as formaldehyde, while requiring living wages and strict wastewater treatment practices. The certification must be renewed annually.

“The textile industry is interested in suppliers that offer GOTS-certified fabrics,” said Skip Kann, director of special projects for Fine Cotton Factory. “We have a nice organic cotton product line, and the GOTS-certified accreditation takes our product line to the next level. There’s a growing lifestyle in all types of organic goods, and we are involving ourselves in the demand for certified-organic textiles. Fine Cotton believes in the standard.

“We worked diligently to earn this certification, and we know that our partners will appreciate the additional assurance the GOTS certification brings.”

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