Industry supplier KMS Adhesives, based in Norfolk, England, has introduced a new generation of hot-melt adhesive specifically for mattresses. Intact H906 can be used in all types of existing hot-melt systems and was formulated especially for pocket-spring assembly machinery.
The adhesive has “exceptional” bonding properties to nonwovens, polyurethane foam and textiles, the company said. Unlike standard hot melts, Intact H906 remains highly flexible, which helps prevent the cracking noise and poor adhesion associated with some grades of hot-melt glue. When mattresses are roll-packed, Intact H906 remains strong and flexible, KMS said.
“We are proud to be launching Intact H906,” said Fred Dunn, KMS Adhesives business development manager. “We are so confident that this will revolutionize the way that we make mattresses in the U.K., we are offering a free supervised trial. Intact H906 can be easily demonstrated on any production line without the need to change any equipment to ensure that production continues.”