To sleep, or not to sleep—with your pet—that is the question in a new survey from memory foam mattress company Novosbed. The survey found that an overwhelming 71% of pet owners sleep with their pets: 43% every night; 23% sometimes; and 5% when their significant other was out of town. Those bed-sharing pets also have favorite sleeping spots, with 52% at the foot of the bed on top of the comforter; 23% snuggling next to their humans; 11% sharing a pillow; and 14% snuggling under the covers.
“I’ve got a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, and before this survey, I would never have allowed him to sleep in our bed,” said Novosbed co-founder and CEO Sam Prochazka. “Now that the results are in I’m rethinking that, and we’re even considering adding a memory-foam pet bed to our line of Novosbed products.”
Other interesting owner/pet stats: 67% of humans prefer to sleep on their sides vs. 35% of pets; 11% of humans prefer to sleep on their stomachs vs. only 5% of pets; and 52% of pets prefer to sleep curled up in a ball vs. 0% of humans.