Better Sleep Council Highlights Better Sleep Message in Media

The message of the Better Sleep Council, the consumer-education arm of the International Sleep Products Association, has gotten wide reach with an editorial penned by sleep educator Terry Cralle.

BSC Better Sleep Council logoCralle, who is a registered nurse, certified sleep expert and spokeswoman for the BSC, wrote “3 Ways to Ensure Your Bed Improves Your Health” on behalf of the Better Sleep Council for Media Planet’s Sleep Sensitivity campaign. Media Planet is distributed through USA Today’s print and online outlets with an estimated reach of 5 million readers.

Terry Cralle headshot

Terry Cralle

The BSC’s message is simple: Sufficient sleep leads to improved overall health and well-being at every age.


Cralle’s three points for better sleep include pairing the right pillow with the right mattress; doing your homework before buying a mattress; and focusing on customer reviews and customer service policies instead of comfort reviews, which can be subjective.

Read the article and be sure to share it on your social media outlets.

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