MRC Submits Revised Oregon Program Plan

MRC Revised Oregon Plan. Mattress Recycling Council Logo

On June 10, the Mattress Recycling Council submitted a revised program plan to Oregon’s Department of Environmental Quality. Oregon’s law allows DEQ up to 45 days to review MRC’s submission.  

“Plan approval is necessary for MRC to become a recognized stewardship organization in Oregon, which puts into motion contracting with service providers, determining a program start date and approval of the recycling fee amount,” said Mike O’Donnell, MRC’s chief operating officer. “We’ve been working collaboratively with DEQ to address their remaining questions and will provide additional details to the mattress industry soon.” 

In anticipation of plan approval, MRC encourages retailers, manufacturers, importers, distributors and renovators of mattresses for sale in Oregon to register on as soon as practical.  

MRC also offers an Oregon Update newsletter. Visit to subscribe and view the program plan. 

Read more on the Oregon recycling program: Oregon Governor Signs Bill to Create Statewide Mattress Recycling Program.