ISPA Supports Antidumping Petition on Mattresses from China

The International Sleep Products Association, headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, represents manufacturers of mattresses and other sleep products and suppliers of components and services to the sleep products industry. As the voice of the sleep products industry for over 100 years, our mission is to lead and advance the interests of this industry.

ISPA supports the petition filed today by several of our members requesting an antidumping investigation on unfairly traded finished mattresses from the People’s Republic of China. On behalf of the entire industry, we have closely monitored the exponential growth of imported mattresses from China. As demonstrated in our 2017 Mattress Industry Trends Report, U.S. mattress imports increased over 100% from 2016 to 2017 while shipments of U.S. manufactured mattresses decreased over the same period. This was the first year-over-year decrease in U.S. shipments in nearly a decade.

ISPA’s members support thousands of manufacturing and related jobs in nearly every state of the United States and in countries around the world. U.S. sleep products manufacturers invest heavily in research, technology and marketing to develop, manufacture and sell world-class products in the United States and globally that provide consumers a safe and restful night’s sleep. They have the right under U.S. law and global trade rules to compete on a level playing field.

ISPA promotes free but fair trade, which requires that companies respect globally recognized rules that govern international trade in goods. The petition alleges that Chinese mattresses are being sold at dumping margins that range from 267 to over 1700 percent, and that the significant increase in those imports have caused material injury or threaten material injury to the entire U.S. mattress industry. The U.S. Department of Commerce and U.S. International Trade Commission should carefully investigate the claims of dumping and injury set forth in the petition and provide the U.S. mattress industry the appropriate relief provided for under U.S. law.

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