C3’s Marv Wall Retires

Marv Wall headshot

Marv Wall

Marv Wall, vice president and co-owner of C3 Corp., a machinery and engineering services supplier, has retired. Joe Rossmeissl, controller of the Appleton, Wisconsin-based company has assumed Wall’s financial leadership responsibilities, as well as many of the other duties Wall performed.

Wall was present at C3’s founding in 1994, helping to get the business up and running. A CPA and a longtime friend of Joe Van De Hey, C3 chief executive officer and founder, Wall helped the fledgling company incorporate and oversaw its finances — all while holding an outside job.

Van De Hey recalled Wall’s response on the day in 1996 when he officially invited his friend and partner to join the company full-time to oversee finance and operations: “His first words were ‘Is there enough for me to do?’ And I chuckled and said ‘Well, you can be a utility player, too.’ — Yes, he was very busy.”

In the years since, Wall eagerly lent a hand in many other functional areas, including human resources, IT, purchasing and more.

Wall said he enjoyed all the roles he has played: “As the company evolved, I wore many hats to advance the business. I (always) raised my hand and said I’ll do it. … (But) the thing I’m most proud of at C3 (is) developing the people here, seeing how they tackle problems, how they’ve grown and continue to grow C3. It’s not all about one person here doing everything, it’s how we do this together as a team.”

Van De Hey wished Wall well in retirement. “I’m happy for him. This gives him a chance to live comfortably and do things that he always thought about doing. He’s always been a person who serves and wants to give back. I think it’s a really good opportunity for him to move on and I hope someday to say the same about myself.”