The Danger Zones

yellow triangle danger sign

Here’s a study that gives a whole new meaning to the phrase “not safe for work.” has compiled a list of the 10 most dangerous places for workers, based on U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data analyzing fatal workplace injuries across the country.

The results may surprise you:

  1. North Dakota
  2. Alaska
  3. Vermont
  4. South Dakota
  5. Mississippi
  6. Wyoming
  7. Montana
  8. Washington, D.C.
  9. West Virginia
  10. Louisiana

And the 10 safest states for workers?

  1. New Hampshire
  2. New Jersey
  3. Rhode Island
  4. Nevada
  5. Delaware
  6. California
  7. Connecticut
  8. Hawaii
  9. Washington
  10. Virginia

The data suggest an important takeaway for business owners, according to

“Business owners face a lot of challenges when building a successful and thriving business,” the website stated. “Creating a safe workplace is one of those considerations that just can’t be ignored. Fortunately, as a business owner, you can impact the safety of the workplace, even if you do business in one of the dangerous states on our list.”

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