Gold Bond Names Skip Naboicheck President

Independent bedding manufacturer Gold Bond has promoted longtime Vice President Henry “Skip” Naboicheck to president.

Skip Naboicheck

A fourth-generation mattress manufacturer, Naboicheck was raised in the family business, attending industry trade shows with his father, Bob Naboicheck, while learning mattress production at Gold Bond’s factory and headquarters in Hartford, Connecticut.

Bob Naboicheck, who has served as president since 1979, has assumed the role of chief executive officer and remains active in the company.

“Skip has been an integral part of the business since he came out of college. He knows every aspect of our company,” Bob Naboicheck said. “This is not only the recognition of all his previous contributions, but also a realization of the change he can bring to our business to make us more competitive for the future.”

For the past 15 years, Skip Naboicheck served as vice president of the company, handling everything from office management to production and sales. He played a pivotal role in re-introducing a bygone sales call — loading up a truck with a variety of mattresses and futons and driving from town to town along the East Coast to personally meet with prospective and established customers — which led to a significant growth in sales, according to a news release.

The company also credits him with leading growth in Gold Bond’s dealer network in Delaware, Maryland, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia and Washington, D.C.

“We have built an incredible team at Gold Bond,” Skip Naboicheck said. “We have never been stronger in regard to product or people in the history of our company and it shows. Over the last decade, we have made significant investments in the future and have never been more optimistic. I think 2022 will be a very exciting year for Gold Bond and its retail partners.”