NIGHTCAP Q&A With Paul Block

Paul Block is president of sales for Carthage, Missouri-based Global Systems Group, Leggett & Platt’s machinery division. He joined GSG in 2010 upon the acquisition of his business Galkin Automated Products and has spent his entire career involved in the mattress industry. In his spare time, he plays jazz piano in various venues — either solo or as part of one of his bands. He also writes and records original music and quips that he even spends time with his family sometimes.

Paul Block
Paul Block

BedTimes: Tell us about your bedtime routine. What do you do before bed? 

Paul Block: I always eat a cup of ice cream. (Edy’s Peanut Butter Cup is my favorite). Also, I like the room very cold so I can sleep with thick blankets. 

BT: What do you never do before bed?

Block: I try to spend an hour doing an activity that will distract me from my normal life. I will watch TV or read to avoid anything that would stimulate my brain like talking business, working on emails, playing the piano or writing music.

BT: How many hours of sleep do you typically get? 

Block: This varies between four and seven hours. I’m not always a great sleeper. 

BT: Pets in the bed: Yay or nay?

Block: Yay!! Our dogs have always been welcomed in bed with us. We have always had small dogs, so they don’t take up too much room. Our dog, Chippy (“Chip off the old Block”), just needs his little spot on the bed. 

BT: Barefoot or socks? 

Block: Barefoot, except some nights when my wife gets tired of me complaining how cold I am. 

BT: What are your best sleep tips? 

Block: This works for me. When I am having a difficult night getting back to sleep in the middle of the night, I will turn on the TV (my wife doesn’t like this part) and find a movie to watch that I’ve seen many times. Somehow that will relax me to the point where I have chance of getting back to sleep. 

BT: What are your secrets for getting a good night’s sleep while traveling? 

Block: Melatonin. I am very lucky that it works for me no matter the time zone. 

BT: Is there anything else you’d like to share with us?

Block: Back in the days when I owned my own company, I was never able to get a good night’s sleep. I would fall asleep for an hour or two and then I would be up the rest of the night. However, once I sold my company to Leggett & Platt, I was able to sleep better. So maybe the best sleep aid for your readers is to do business with Leggett & Platt!