Bedding Market Quarterly Reports Mattress Sales Down in Fourth Quarter

ISPA Q4 2022 Report

Total unit shipments of mattresses and foundations from U.S. producers and imports dropped 28% in the fourth quarter of 2022, compared with the fourth quarter of 2021, according to the International Sleep Products Association’s Bedding Market Quarterly. In addition to a decrease in unit shipments, the wholesale value of those units fell 22.9%.

For the full year, sales of units dropped 17.9% and the wholesale value decreased 12%, compared with 2021.

Unit shipments of U.S.-produced mattresses and foundations decreased 26.4% and the wholesale dollar value was down 15% over the same quarter in 2021. The fourth-quarter average unit price for U.S.-produced mattresses and foundations rose by 15.5%.

This quarterly report does not include U.S. sales of motion foundations. ISPA encountered data issues when collecting and analyzing sales and has discontinued reporting that information.

Visit to see the full report.

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