Slideshow: Scenes from the ISPA Industry Conference

What fun I had in Florida last week chatting with lots of mattress industry folk at the ISPA Industry Conference March 4-5. It was held at the historic Vinoy Renaissance St. Petersburg Resort & Golf Club, a restored 90-year-old property with Art Deco roots.

In the following slideshows, I’ve posted lots of people shots from the show. You’ll see some of these in our upcoming conference report in April BedTimes magazine. In the meantime, have a look and enjoy!

(Note: All ID’s are from left to right.)

On the links at the ISPA Golf Tournament (Thanks for being on the scene and sharing your smartphone photos, Mary Helen!):

Mary Helen Uusimaki and Kerri Bellias

ISPA’s Mary Helen Uusimaki and Kerri Bellias

At the rooftop ISPA Women’s Network reception:

Raising a glass at the Welcome Reception in the Palm Court ballroom:

More from the Welcome Reception:

A host of valuable presentations:

Scenes from the Centennial Celebration Dinner:

This post was updated March 11, 2015.

Please report errors and corrections to BedTimes.

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