High Achievers Kevin Toman, Englander president and CEO (center), presents 2013 performance awards to Dominic Azevedo, president and CEO of Englander Southeast (left), and Ed Ciolkosz, owner and president of Englander Midwest.
During the Las Vegas Market Jan. 26-30, mattress licensing group Englander Sleep Products honored two licensees for their 2013 achievements. The Olive Branch, Miss.-based company also marked its 120th anniversary during the show with product introductions and festivities.
Englander Midwest, based in Chicago, earned the 2013 award for manufacturing excellence. Englander Southeast, based in Rome, Ga., received the award for achieving the largest sales increase in 2013. Kevin Toman, Englander president and chief executive officer, presented the awards to Dominic Azevedo, Englander Southeast president and chief executive officer, and Ed Ciolkosz, Englander Midwest owner and president.
Many happy returns Kevin Toman, Englander president and CEO, cuts a festive anniversary cake in celebration of the 120-year-old company.
“We’re very proud of both of these operations and the teams of people at each location for what they achieved last year in their respective areas,” said Kevin Toman, Englander president and chief executive officer. “It was also especially meaningful to recognize these factories while celebrating our company’s 120th anniversary, marking one of the longest successful tenures in the bedding industry.”
In honor of its anniversary, Englander introduced several Anniversary Edition mattresses across several collections, aired a documentary video tracing the company’s history and passed out slices of a special anniversary cake.