ISPA EXPO 2014: a success

Jane Kitchen

Jane Kitchen, editor in chief

I’m not sure I truly understood the breadth and depth of this industry until I attended ISPA EXPO in March. Walking through on set-up days and seeing the myriad of machines humming and whirring and—well—just taking up massive amounts of space, I was in awe of what a big production the whole thing was.

And I mean the whole thing—from the preparation and detail that the ISPA staff attended to, to the number of trucks and containers it took to ship those giant machines, to the days and days it took to both set up and break down the show. It was a record-breaking EXPO, with the most exhibitors in the show’s history, and it certainly was impressive.

But then there was the show itself—the innovation, the new products, the way in which companies embraced the theme of New Orleans in their booths and product designs. In our pages this month, we take a look at some of those latest designs and innovations, and in our July issue we take an in-depth look at the latest developments in machinery, most of which were on display at EXPO.

And then, of course, there are the people. It was so nice to meet so many people who I’ve been corresponding with via email or on the phone for the past six months, and to see and touch and learn about their products, and come away with a much better understanding of the industry.

And during the show, there were these informative seminars—seminars on subjects as varied as how technology is changing the way we do business, to expanding your business internationally, to the latest updates on mattress recycling news. This month and next, we’ll bring you highlights from those seminars in the pages of BedTimes.

Then there was after the show—from the Second Line band that led everyone out of the EXPO hall and across the street to the industry party on the first night, to the incredible energy and talent of the Insomniaczzz, to Leggett & Platt’s amazing party that filled room after room with bedding industry folks having fun.

And of course, there was New Orleans: the nightlife and the food and the music—what a setting to network and make lasting industry friends! (If you didn’t brave the line at Acme for oysters, you need to go back!) New Orleans is such a vibrant, creative city, I bet it was the backdrop for more than one new idea.

I hope all of you enjoyed yourself as much as I did, worked as hard as I did, learned as much as I did and met as many new industry people as I did!