Nightcap Q&A With Rion Morgenstern

Rion Morgenstern 
Rion Morgenstern 

Rion Morgenstern is a third-generation CEO at Pleasant Mattress in Fresno, California, and an adopted fourth-generation of the McRoskey bedding brand. He has been in the industry full-time for 12 years after a career in technology. He is married to Anissa, and they love to travel the world.

BedTimes: Tell us about your bedtime routine.

Rion Morgenstern: On an average night at home, my wife and I usually stream something funny on TV as the last thing we watch before heading into our bedtime routine. It’s a type of palate cleanser for our brains. My immediate bedtime routine is fairly simple, and I follow it if I’m at home or traveling. Once the TV is off, I head to the bathroom to change into sleeping clothes, brush my teeth (two minutes with the Sonicare), take my nighttime supplements (Gaba Trex, no melatonin) and head to bed. Anissa and I go to bed at the same time nearly every night, which is a great comfort. No TV in the bedroom and almost no screen time, but we both cheat from time to time. When it’s time for lights out I press a button and all my house and yard lights go out, except for a few.

BT: What do you avoid before bed?

RM:  I mostly listen to my body and what it needs. What I avoid is an excess of anything. Even too much water can cause a bad night of sleep. I’ve been known to have a small nightcap; moderation is the key. 

BT: How many hours do you typically sleep? 

RM: My target is eight. I usually get eight hours in bed and somewhere between seven and eight hours of sleep.

BT: Pets in the bed – yay or nay?

RM: Cats, yes; dogs, no. However, the cats always sleep on my wife’s side. The no dogs rule stems more from size than particular morals. We usually have big dogs like Great Danes and mastiffs. We don’t have an Alaskan king size in the bedroom — yet.

BT: Barefoot or socks?

RM: I only sleep in socks if I’m also wearing boots to bed. 

BT: What’s on your nightstand?

RM: A stack of books I intend to read someday,  a lamp and a small leather valet for glasses and such.

BT: Are you a napper?

RM: I love a good nap. Fifteen to 20 minutes is perfect.

BT: What are your best sleep tips?

RM: Keep to a routine that tells your body you are going to bed. It only needs to be a few things you do every night, and your body will start to recognize it’s time for sleep. Also, listen to a book with a great narrator. For me, it helps shut out all the noise and settle into sleep, especially if I have awoken in the middle of the night and am having a hard time relaxing to sleep.

BT:  What are your secrets for getting a good night’s sleep while traveling? 

RM: Keep that routine the same!

Read more in our Nightcap Q&A series at Nightcap Q&A With Caroline Reeves-Skidmore, Nightcap Q&A With Priscilla Peralta and Nightcap Q&A With Sarah Bergman.